During the academic year, seminarians at Sedes Sapientiae help in pastoral work carried out in various institutions present in the Diocese of Rome: parishes, hospitals, nursing homes... Two groups are lucky enough to collaborate one afternoon a week with the Missionaries of Charity, founded by Mother Teresa of Calcutta. It is an opportunity in serving the poor and people who often found in situations of really painful abandonment. The seminarians are very grateful for this incredible experience, as one of them describes which allows learning from the tenderness and delicacy with which the religious treat the poor, the sick and the elderly, in this way spread love to the poor which has always been an undisputable and distinctive state of the Church.
As Pope Francis said during a meditation aimed at priests and seminarians, in 2016: "In the Church we have had and we have many things not so good, and many sins, but in this to serve the poor with works of mercy, as Church we have always followed the Spirit, and our saints have done so very creatively and effectively. The love for the poor was the sign, the light that causes people to glorify the Father. Our people appreciate this, the priest who takes care of the poor, the sick, who forgive the sinners, who teaches and corrects with patience..." (2-VI-2016).