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Visits of Bishops

Our college has the opportunity to house seminarians from all over the world, sent by dioceses from the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Africa. Because of this connection to several countries, we were very fortunate to have with us three bishops visiting in the last week to spend time with us. We had with us His Excellency Mons. Mario Alberto Molina Palma, O.A.R., the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Los Altos, Guatemala. We also had His Excellency Mons. Saimon Masondole of the Diocese of Bunda, Tanzania. And the following day, we had with us His Excellency Mons. Alfred Agyenta of the Diocese of Bolga Tanga, Ghana.

Bishops, who are successors of the apostles, carry an important role in the church. We are very grateful for their presence. Each of them emphasized the importance of formation and some of the beautiful aspects of studying in Rome as they were speaking to the seminarians. They gave them all their blessing and encouragement as the seminarians continue on their path towards the priesthood.

We wish them all the best in their ministry as bishops, and continually pray for them and their dioceses.

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