Sunday November 17 marked a new beginning of Sedes Sapientiae community as we have received one more acolyte. Juan Carlos Chay, seminarian of the archdiocese of Los Altos Quetzaltenango-Totonicapán (Guatemala), was instituted as an acolyte in the chapel of our college barely few days after the institution of 17 acolytes on November 1 .
The rite of institution took place during the celebration of Sunday Mass which was presided over by His excellence Mons. Mario Alberto Molina Palma, OAR., Archbishop of Los Altos.
In attendance were the priests and seminarians of the College, some Guatemalan priests who are students in Rome. Commenting on the Gospel passage the archbishop led us to reflect on the importance of time, a precious gift from the Lord. We thank Mons. Molina Palma and we pray for Juan Carlos.