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The Seven Churches

Rome is a city of charm, of history, but above all of faith, where the memories of the apostles and of the first Christians, many of them martyrs, are preserved. To venerate this memory, about 500 years ago St. Philip Neri devised a pilgrimage that went through seven important churches in Rome, the four major basilicas (St. Peter's, St. Paul's, St. Mary Major and St. John Lateran) and the three minor ones (Holy Cross in Jerusalem, St. Sebastian and St. Lawrence). This tour has become traditional and we have done it on foot as part of our Holy Week activities.

Almost thirty people, first year students together with some formators, walked more than 25 km from church to church, in a spirit of fraternity and also of prayer: for example, at each stop they prayed two stations of the Stations of the Cross, with a text focused especially on praying to the Lord for priestly vocations and for the holiness of priests.

Via dei Genovesi, 30 - 00153 Roma, Italia

Tel. +39-06-58333756 Fax. +39-06-58333772

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