On November 1, on which day the universal church celebrates all the saints. Twelve seminarians of Sedes Sapientiae were installed acolytes in the basilica of St Apollinare. Of course, the seminarians had a series of preparations from last year. In the days preceding the ceremony, be it personally, with the Rector of the college and also a group talk session with archbishop mgr. Andrés Gabriel Ferrada Moreira, the secretary of the Dicastery for the Clergy.
The ministry of Acolyte is the last of the lay ministries to be received by seminarians that in a special way prepare them to experience from a close Christ’s Paschal mystery in the Holy Eucharist and configure them to follow more intensely their call to the sacred priesthood.
The Holy Mass at the university Basilica St Apollinare started about 10:30 am with about 40 concelebrating priests. After the Holy Mass with the rite of Acolyte, there was a little refreshment at the university yard. Then, a lunch together with the Archbishop and a time of interactions followed up right here in the college.