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“Sedes Sapientiae” receives some members of CARF!

On Saturday being the 4th of November, our college joyfully welcomed a group of benefactors and friends from the CARF foundation (Centro Academico Romano Fundación). CARF is a non-profit organization that started in Spain with the principle goal of promoting and sustaining priestly vocation. Among the many institutions that receive auspices from this selfless foundation include the university of Santa Croce and our college Sedes Sapientiae.

On that faithful day, many of them participated in our Eucharistic celebration presided over by our rector, Don Javier. After which we had lunch together accompanied by cordial discussions and sharing of our experiences. We shared with them after lunch a video consisting of everyday life in our college. Then, some of us from Venezuela, South Africa, Argentina and Vietnam shared some testimonies of their life and vocation to the priesthood.

We thank the Lord for the gift of fraternity and sustenance of this group of benefactors and we hope to have them again with us.

Via dei Genovesi, 30 - 00153 Roma, Italia

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