The formation of seminarians is guided by four major aspects. These aspects gear towards making the seminarian to become an integral person through a balanced formation. These aspects include, spiritual, intellectual, pastoral and human formation. The aspect of the pastoral formation is actualized through the sending of the seminarians for apostolic work in different places outside the seminary during their holidays periods.
Therefore, during this year’s summer holidays the seminarians were sent to different parts of Italy ranging from parishes to old peoples’ homes. Precisely, during this summer’s holidays some of us were sent to Verona, North of Italy from the month of July to the month of August. More concretely, we served in the socio-sanitary facilities of the Citadel of Charity of Negrar, adjacent to the Don Calabria Sacred Heart Hospital.
In this place, we assist in liturgical activities ranging from masses to liturgy of hours. We help out in feeding those who are incapacitated to do so for themselves and shaving their beards. Also, assisting them in recreational activities and those in wheel chairs. Generally, we make effort to spend enough time with them putting smiles on their faces and making them feel loved.
Of course, the presence of the seminarians, with other lay volunteers, does not mean that the home lacks personnel. Pope Francis would say that the meeting of the youth and the old is the future of tomorrow. Hence, it is an opportunity for us to learn a lot from them, listening to their didactic stories, their life of prayer, manner of good approach from the part of the workers, improving their Italian language and so many others.
It is also time of formation, to assess ourselves and put into practice the things we learnt in the seminary.