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May pilgrimages

For centuries Christians have dedicated the month of May to the veneration and special worship of the Mother of God and our Mother. Through various manifestations of piety we show the love we have for Her who knew how to love God above all things and who, for His sake, also welcomes us as her children.

To open the month of May, a group of seminarians made a pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Mother of Graces of Mentorella, located at 1018 m of altitude between Tivoli and Palestrina, southeast of Rome. The shrine complex preserves the first cave that St. Benedict of Norcia chose as a place of retreat and prayer. Since 1857, the shrine has been under the custody of the Congregation of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, which has its origins in Poland.

Both because of his deep devotion to the Mother of the Lord and because of his friendship with the community of priests from the Saint's own homeland, St. John Paul II, being pontiff, visited the temple several times where so many times before his election he had honored Mary Most Holy. We thank the Resurrectionist Fathers for their warm welcome.

Following the tradition of our College, on Saturday, May 7th, third-year theology students went to the first Marian shrine in history: the Holy House of Loreto. Loreto is home to the house where, according to tradition, the Mother of the Lord lived and where she said her yes when it was proposed to her through the Angel to be the Mother of Christ. The guided tour in which they were able to participate enabled them to fully appreciate the value that Loreto has for the history of Christianity and to read the depth of all the symbols that embellish the temple.

On both pilgrimages, we recited all parts of the Rosary, praying to God, through the merits of Mary Most Holy, to allow us to accept the plan He has for our vocation, as Mary did when she pronounced her fiat.

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