On Thursday 21 March, 15 seminarians of Sedes Sapientiae, from 10 different countries, were installed as lectors in a ceremony officiated by cardinal Lazarus You Heung-sik, prefect of the Dicastery for the Clergy. The Mass with the rite of the Lectorate took place in the Basilica of St. Apollinaris, in which the Lenten "statio" of this ancient Roman church was also celebrated on that day.
In his homily, cardinal Lazarus spoke of the importance and power of the Word of God in the life of the Christian, as well as the responsibility of being entrusted by the Church with the task of proclaiming it in the liturgical assembly.
The ceremony was attended by many friends of the new lectors: seminarians from other colleges, families and numerous priests from their dioceses who wanted to accompany them at this important moment in their vocational journey.