On the occasion of the solemnity of Christ the King, Fr. Peter Ayaso, who presided at the Eucharistic celebration, returned to the seminary. Fr. Peter was a student of Sedes Sapientiae from 2008 to 2011. Last October he returned to Rome to study at the Pontifical Biblicum Institute, while residing in the Philippine College. In his homily, Fr. Peter underlined that the significance of the kingship of Christ is linked to the figure of the shepherd, whom Jesus incarnates as the servant of his brothers; for this reason the time of formation in the seminary is certainly a particularly favorable period to commit oneself to following Christ, always bearing in mind that one day we will be called before the Lord and we will have to answer how we have committed our talents according to the priorities that the liturgy of the last Sunday of the liturgical year reminds us. We thank Fr. Peter for wanting to spend a Sunday with us.