With this short but significant response "Eccomi", on December 05, fourteen of our seminarians, mainly from the second year of the first cycle of theology, formally manifested their intention to receive diaconate and priestly ordination. This Mass of admission to candidacy for the diaconate and priestly ordinations was presided over by the Prelate of Opus Dei, Mons. Fernando Ocáriz, in the Church of the College. Based on St. Paul's Letter to the Philippians, the Prelate counseled the candidates in his homily to adequately prepare themselves for the priesthood, just as the Church prepares during the liturgical season of Advent for the coming of the Lord.
After Mass, there was a time of meeting with the Prelate, during which he answered questions from some of the seminarians, congratulated the newly admitted candidates and transmitted some words of encouragement to all. The meeting ended with a blessing offered by the Prelate, after which a group photo was taken in the garden of the College.