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Commencement of September Course 2019

The month of September apart from being characterised with the arrival of the first year seminarians who begin to study the Italian language, is also marked with the return to the College of most of the seminarians from their pastoral experiences for the practical course of liturgy and pastoral care. We began the first week with celebrating the votive Eucharistic Mass celebration of the Holy Spirit and a pilgrim on the next day to the prelatitian church of Opus Dei where the remains of Saint Josemaria Escrivá are kept. He is the one who wished our College and of his successor Blessed Álvaro of Portillo who founded it.

Thereafter various lessons began for preparation to ministries, the study of the documents of the Magisterium on priesthood, the principles of spiritual direction to the parish administration. Each week is also enriched by some special guests. In these first days of the course we had a guest Fr Nicolás Álvarez de las Asturias, a priest of the Archdiocese of Madrid, who, on the strength of his experience, gave a talk on the theme "Vocation ministry: a fundamental dimension of the life of priests".

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