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An Excursion to the Cities of Bolsena and Orvieto

A splendid sunny day gladdened the excursion that we had on Friday, 22nd September at Bolsena and Orvieto, accompanied by don Edoardo, don Pablo and Fr Randifer. The two cities are connected to a Eucharistic miracle that took place in 1263. During the summer, a priest, Pietro of Boemo in Praga began to doubt the real presence of Christ in the consecrated host and wine. The priest in question while making a pilgrimage to Rome made a stop in Bolsena, where during the celebration of the mass, blood was seen gushing out from the consecrated host on the corporal. Pietro of Plaga went immediately to Pope Urban IV in Orvieto to relate the experience to him and the Pope verified the miracle in person. Owing to the miracle, the feast of Corpus Domini was established. On the other hand, the city of Orvieto is tied to the miracle because other than accommodating the Pope in that time, it contains the corporal in its splendid Cathedral that comes to be edified till date for this reason. Hence, we had the privilege of celebrating the holy mass in the place of the miracle; the Basilica of St Christina at Bolsena. While in the afternoon, we were graced with the awesome opportunity of praying before the corporal attached to the miracle and beheld the great artistic work of the Cathedral with the beautiful city inclusive. We thank the Lord for giving us the splendid opportunity that was an occasion for entrusting ourselves once again to Him as He guides us in our journey to sainthood through the ministerial priesthood.

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