In the summer of 1263, during a Eucharist celebrated in the temple of Santa Cristina in Bolsena, a miracle occurred that would mark the history of Christianity. Through a consecrated Host, from which blood flowed, the Lord reminded mankind of the promise reported by the evangelist St. Matthew: "I will be with you always, until the end of the world" (Mt 28, 20).
On September 19, we went on pilgrimage to the cathedral of Orvieto, where the relics of the miracle are kept to this day. After having celebrated the Eucharist on the altar where St. Felix rests, Sister Mariam Kidane of the Institute of the Incarnate Word, explained to us the history of the miracle, as well as the theology of the works of art that adorn the interior of the duomo. Sister Mariam shared with us the experience that the servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matarà live in the service of the Sanctuary.
Being in the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament, where the corporal of the miracle is also kept, we sang the Adoro te devote. The opportunity to sing this Eucharistic hymn composed by St. Thomas Aquinas, precisely in the place where the text was written, will remain a beautiful memory in the hearts of those of us who made the pilgrimage to Orvieto 757 years after the event that gave rise to the feast of Corpus Christi.