Formation in the seminary takes place in stages. One of the most important steps, among others, is the celebration of the rite of Admission. This is a public declaration by the seminarian of his fervent will to serve God and humanity through sacred ministry. The Church, for its part, also publicly acknowledges that an aspirant to the priesthood shows signs of having such a vocation and formally admits him as a candidate.
With great joy and gratitude to God, ten seminarians from this college were admitted on Sunday 11 December 2022. The Holy Mass was presided over by the Prelate of Opus Dei, Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz. After the Holy Mass, the prelate had a brief meeting with the new admissions along with all the students and formators. It was a brief but intense session of questions and answers in a familiar tone, which ended with a group photo in the garden. This was followed by a festive lunch. It was a memorable day for the candidates, as well as for their families and friends, who were able to follow the ceremony online.