The academic year 2017/2018 of our university, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, began on Tuesday 3rd October, 2017 with the inauguration of the new academic year. The event began with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist presided over by Mgsr. Fernando Ocáriz, the Prelate of Opus Dei and the Grand Chancellor of the University. After the Mass, all proceeded to the university`s main conference hall named after Pope John Paul II for other events and above all for the inaugural lecture. In the second part of the inauguration, the Rector of the university, Mgsr. Luis Navarro gave an introductory speech after which the Prelate in his address invited us all to study hard for the love of God, putting into service our knowledge, the acquired experiences, the sensibility of some problems and challenges while cultivating in the university a disposition of brotherly love. It is in this spirit that we can enjoy our fellow seminarians from other seminaries who are for the first time beginning their studies here with us. Rev. Prof. Héctor Franceschi, from the School of Canon Law, gave the inaugural speech on the theme Why marry? Reflections on marriage in current culture.
Furthermore, a Day of Welcome to the university was organized for all the new students the following day being the 4th of October, 2017. It was an occasion of intimating the new students on the detailed life and structure of the university. Refreshment followed after a little welcome note by the Vice Rector, Prof. Mons. Ángel Rodríguez Luño. We say a big welcome to our new brothers as they are quickly adapting to the life and pace of the activities in the university.