It is true that we spend a lot of time in the Eternal City, where we have the opportunity to get to know the great monuments of ancient Rome, unique in the world. However, it is also true that a few hundred kilometres south of this Eternal City exists a splendid Roman city that preserves the secrets of everyday life in an urban nucleus of the Roman Empire. It is Pompeii, the city buried in 79 AD from the eruption of the Vesuvius volcano, which still dominates the landscape today.
Therefore on Saturday 21st September we had a splendid trip to Pompeii. We left early in the morning, first of all, we made a pilgrimage to the sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary, famous throughout the world. Willed by the blessed Bartolo Longo and built with the contribution of many faithful, the sanctuary is the destination of numerous pilgrims who go to the feet of the Blessed Virgin to whom the famous plea to the Virgin is addressed each year. We also stopped at the sanctuary and after celebrating Holy Mass we left again to go and discover the archaeological park of Ancient Pompeii.
There, led by Professor Javier Domingo, a professor of Christian archaeology at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, we had witnessed numerous well-preserved Roman remains that allowed us to deepen our knowledge of Roman culture which is the foundation of our own culture and which it was a catchment area for Christianity.