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A course on affectivity

The Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, through the Centre for Priestly Formation, offers its students some extracurricular courses on various aspects of priestly life. An interesting one is certainly the one dedicated to the theme of affectivity. In this course, given by Professor Francisco Insa, some seminarians from Sedes Sapientiae participate.

The formation of affectivity, in general and specifically in the case of priests, is a subject that is receiving more and more attention in society and in the Church. A well-formed affectivity is fundamental for the priest's gift of himself to God to be humanly and spiritually enriching for the person, as well as effective in the service of the faithful. A balanced affectivity can be defined as the harmonious relationship between reason and heart (will, passions, emotions and feelings). But how can it be adequately developed, is it possible to help others to grow, also humanly, through pastoral work, and how can a person's maturity be gauged? These are some of the questions that this course tries to answer.

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